On the worldwide day of Giving – Giving Tuesday – Norwich Theatre asks for your help as it launches its Christmas Appeal. This year the charity is raising money to provide creative opportunities to children who need them most, as part of its programme of work, Theatre of Possibility.
Theatre of Possibility is dedicated to supporting the wellbeing of young people who are experiencing severe challenges in their life and who often feel isolated or anxious as a result. It provides an accessible and inclusive place where children can become valuable members of a creative community, exploring their creativity with their peers.
Working with artists who are highly experienced and trained, Norwich Theatre can provide this unique approach to creative activities open to children with additional needs. Previous sessions of Theatre of Possibility have been with children with autism, neurodiversity, young carers, visually impaired and deaf children.
Norwich Theatre is a charity with a vision to make all its creative experiences have wide reaching positive impact. Donations to its Christmas Appeal mean it can offer Theatre of Possibility sessions to those children who need it most. The money will also ensure Norwich Theatre is able to address any barriers that children may face in being able to participate, including providing transport, alternative home care provisions, and practical resources or specialist equipment.

Chief Executive and Creative Director of Norwich Theatre, Stephen Crocker said: “With your support this Christmas, we can help more young people to overcome severe life challenges through creativity.
“We rely on the generous support of our audiences for our charitable work. All money raised this Christmas goes to ensuring we can continue to provide the Theatre of Possibility for children who may be affected by isolation, homelessness, neglect, abuse or poverty, or those who have faced challenges in their lives such as serious illness, disabilities and trauma.
“Please donate what you can. With your support, we can reach more communities in the year ahead and provide creative opportunities and new possibilities to those in need.”
There are several ways to donate. In Norwich Theatre Royal, drop a coin and make a wish in the Christmas Appeal Wishing Well. It is an identical replica of the well on stage in Jack and the Beanstalk.
Bucket collections will be at the end of every Christmas show: Jack and the Beanstalk, Heart of Winter in Stage Two and Tis the Season shows at The Playhouse.
Donations can also be made at Café Royal and online at norwichtheatre.org/christmas-appeal
Registered Charity No. 262259