Work can be fulfilling and exciting, but it can also be demanding, stressful and at times incredibly tiring. Maybe it is a customer that is causing the stress, a highly pressured environment or perhaps it is just an endless stream of tasks that leave you exhausted. No matter what it is, if you find yourself completely drained of all energy as you clock out, then you might be in need of some unwinding.
This is why Norwich Theatre’s latest Unwind series, featuring sessions on Movement and Words, can help you wind down from life’s daily stress with either gentle movement exercise or the power of words. The classes are perfectly timed to help attendees decompress after a hard working day and help them engage in active relaxation.
Poppy Stevens is one of Norwich Theatre’s Unwind series practitioners. “It is really important to decompress after work”, she said. “What I have found is that giving myself the time to unwind allows me to be more present at home and actively engage with things I enjoy.” After a long day, you may be tempted to go home and watch TV or even go to bed and sleep. However, by doing so, we can completely disconnect from our bodies. Katy Dunne is a dance movement psychotherapist and will be leading the movement workshops for Unwind series. “Our bodies are more than just taxis for our heads. They hold a wealth of knowledge, sensations, instincts, and memories. So when we spend time connecting to our bodies through movement, not only do we get all the physical benefits and reduction in stress, but we also get to find out more about ourselves.”
Norwich Theatre is committed to providing creative ways to improve people’s wellbeing. As a nation, we are stressed: a survey by the Mental Health Foundation found that 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. Taking a little time to relax and unwind is absolutely essential to health and wellbeing. By opting for a creative endeavour, you are not only opting to relax actively but explore your emotions as well. “It’s about learning to listen to your body, which makes us better understand our needs. It’s about expressing yourself in ways that feel cathartic. We release stress, connect with emotions and feel into our authentic selves,” said Katy.

Writing, for Poppy, gives her space to explore her feelings around issues: “I find that if I am annoyed, writing allows me a safe space to vent. Often if I find an issue in the news that I find overwhelming, I turn to poetry to help process it.”
Whether you opt for movement or writing, or of course both, these sessions are all about reducing stress, calming the mind and exploring creative expression in a safe space. For Poppy, “there is power in using creativity to explore how you feel. You are allowing yourself the time and space to work through whatever emotion is coming up for you that day.”
Both workshops will be inclusive and relaxed spaces for anyone interested in unwinding after work and curiosity for creativity as a tool to do so. “I really believe everyone can move. It’s not about trying to look a certain way on the outside. It’s much more about how it feels on the inside. Everyone is welcome,” said Katy.
“I believe that poetry and writing should be for everyone. As someone who is neurodivergent, I aim to create accessible spaces for people to find their own flow with words,” added Poppy.
For an hour each Thursday, these sessions will help you engage in some essential relaxation time and benefit from the simple pleasure of creativity in a like-minded community. “You might surprise yourself at what you can come up with once you have found your groove,” said Poppy.
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