The cast and director of The Land of Might-Have-Been met with not-for-profit community group Society Alive on Wednesday afternoon to inspire them about the theatre industry.

The visit was organised to inspire the children, and show them what a career in performing arts is like. During the session, the cast encouraged them to follow what they are passionate about, and explained how their interests could lead to a career in theatre. Some of the children were interested in writing stories, and another was keen to make things. The cast told them that their skills could be put to use by writing their own scripts, or designing sets and props for shows.
Society Alive is passionate about bringing positive change into its community in Bowthorpe. Its sessions aim to develop the talents of the children in the community, and encourage them to aspire towards a bright future. The charity welcomes people from different backgrounds. The children enjoyed chatting with the cast of The Land of Might-Have-Been about their pathways into the theatre industry. With the director and cast all coming from different countries and backgrounds, they shared their experiences for the children to relate to.
To nurture the group’s passions, leading lady Audrey Brisson taught the children how to make dolls using two sheets of paper. She explained that the dolls can be used to tell stories and act out their own plays. The children were very engaged with Audrey as she showed them her doll. The group said that they will take this activity back to the rest of the charity, and teach them all how to make the dolls in their next meeting. In addition to Audrey, guests included director Kimberly Sykes, and cast members George Arvidson, who starred in Les Misérables at Theatre Royal last year, and Kit Esuruoso.

Everyone from the charity left the session completely inspired, saying how they will write and perform a play together as a group. The cast also left feeling that they had made a difference to the children, and showed them that a career in theatre is possible.
The Land of Might-Have-Been is at Norwich Theatre Royal until Sunday 30 July. Tickets are available here or call our Box Office on 01603 630 000.
By UEA Journalism Student, Lucy Potter.
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