The cast of Singin’ in the Rain were making a splash with a fantastic performance outside The Forum on Saturday.
The whole cast was there to give Saturday shoppers a right treat with a glittering preview of their toe-tapping musical numbers, including Good Mornin’, Make ‘em Laugh, Moses Supposes, and Singin’ in the Rain, whilst adorned in their full Golden Age of Hollywood costumes!
Speaking about the production Alex Green who plays Don Lockwood, said:
“This show has so many classic numbers in it that will leave you with a huge grin and humming along. If you’re unfamiliar with the show, I bet there’s a song you’ve heard but never realised it was in this production! This show is full of spectacular dance numbers that fill the stage and pay homage to those classic MGM production numbers. We’ve certainly dusted off our tap shoes for this piece.”

The Norfolk and Norwich Operatic Society (NNOS) is proudly celebrating its 100th year of bringing performances to life on stage. This exciting milestone marks a century of talent, dedication, and unforgettable moments as the society continues to entertain and inspire local audiences with its love of the arts.
From the golden age of theatre, Singin’ in the Rain follows film co-stars Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont during the Hollywood transition from silent films to the talkies. When Monumental Studios transforms a silent film, The Dueling Cavalier, into the all-singing and all-dancing musical The Dancing Cavalier, Lina’s squeaky voice threatens her career. Aspiring actress Kathy Selden steps in to save the production—and captures Don’s heart, leaving him with tough choices on and off-screen.
Singin’ in the Rain is on 28 Jan – 1 Feb at Norwich Theatre Royal. For more information or to book, visit or call the Box Office on 01603 630 000.