This show pays homage to the highs and lows and sleep deprivation of motherhood. The show explores the life of five women who go to the same playgroup every week.
It looks at the way they connect, the stories they tell and the things they hide when the Council threatens to close the community centre, which hosts the playgroup. They have to overcome their isolation, loneliness, judgment and perfectionism to discover that they’re stronger as a group than as individuals and that sometimes, being good enough is best.

We sat down with cast member and one of the mums, Belinda Wollaston, about the show, being a working mum and her funniest mum story.
Tell us about the new musical
It’s entirely created by mums.
How do you think that helps the show?
Everything is authentic. It is a genuinely honest take on life as a mum from lived experiences. That’s what makes the show resonate so well with audiences.
This production is working hard to create a family-friendly environment for those on and off stage. Why is this so important?
70% of women leave the arts after having children. For me personally, I have a three year old and a five month old. When we started rehearsals, my baby was four months old, and I had him in the rehearsal room with me. The process has been supportive, accessible and groundbreaking. The company has gone out of its way to support me and my family. I simply would not have been able to do the job without their inclusivity.
What can audiences expect from the show?
To laugh, to cry, to relate and to have a couple of hours of escapism.
What is your favourite bit in the show?
When we are all having a laugh together on the stage, I don’t want to give too much away…
What is the importance of theatre to tell stories like this one?
The challenges of Motherhood are often taken for granted and left out of the theatre landscape. To have this show written, directed, produced and performed by mums is incredibly special, and I am so proud and grateful to be a part of it.

What is your funniest mum story?
Two nights ago, my three year old son accidentally vomited in my wife’s mouth… and two years ago, my son accidentally knocked a Christmas lighting display into a lake. We did our best to rescue it.
Do you recognise your mum friends in the characters?
I’m sure there is a bit of all of us in each of the characters!
The Good Enough Mums Club is at Norwich Theatre Playhouse between 9 – 11 Nov. For anyone with children young enough not to repeat what they hear (as the show is strictly 14+), there is a family-friendly matinee.