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New Play at Norwich Theatre Uses Cutting-Edge Hologram Technology to Tackle Toxic Beauty Standards


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Norwich Theatre Stage Two will see cutting-edge hologram technology used on stage in a new play tackling toxic beauty standards.  

 Five Years comes to the theatre on 2 and 3 June and tells the story of one woman’s pursuit of the perfect body – asking you if you would trade five years of your life for the perfect body. 

 The show centers on Yasmin, a woman in her 30s who wants the exciting, glamorous life she has always dreamed of but that her XXL body doesn’t fit. She is about to undertake a radical cosmetic procedure that promises to deliver the perfect body and the contentment that seems just out of reach. But it comes at a cost.  

A 2011 survey conducted in the UK found that 30% of women would trade at least one year of their life to achieve their ideal body. 20% would trade five years of their life. In 5 Years, the possibility of this exchange is a reality. Yasmin will be the first woman to undergo this procedure. As she waits for the doctor to arrive and ‘fix’ her, she reveals her experiences and the messages she has received that have brought her to this drastic decision.

Writer and performer Hayley Davis said: ‘I’m really excited to bring this play to the stage. Although the subject matter is quite serious, it’s a funny, warm show and uses some really ambitious, innovative tech. As someone who has struggled with my own body image, I am very familiar with the damage that we can do to ourselves in the hope of measuring up to an ever-shifting ideal of beauty. I think if more of us stopped and thought about it, we’d realise that our time could be better spent on pursuing other things.’  

The show will also give an up-close look at hologram technology that is currently used in Abba Voyage. The hologram technology is being used to visually explore body image thanks to leading digital technology developed by Sheffield Hallam University and hologram effects company Holotronica. 

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