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Ghost Light

New Poetry Competition 'Ghost Light' Launches During Lockdown

Commemorating the time our doors were closed to the public and performances were unable to take place.


  • Blog

To celebrate National Haiku Poetry Day, we have been inspired to launch our very own poetry challenge: Ghost Light. Supported by the National Centre for Writing, the competition has been created to help us commemorate the time our doors were closed to the public and performances were unable to take place.

Every week, one of our artistic friends and partners will provide a theme or source of inspiration to help you get creative. The first theme will be shared on Monday 20 April.

At the end of the project, our goal is to publish a special book featuring all of the work submitted. A panel of literary judges will also select 3 winning poems to be displayed across our three buildings when they re-open to the public.

Here’s a haiku from us, to kick things off!

Fly the curtain in.
Strike the set, our stage is clear.
A ghost light flickers.

For more information on how to enter the competition, click here.