We are honoured to have been awarded the Best Age Friendly Outreach Award at the national Fantastic for Families Awards last night [16 November 2021].
As Captioning Awareness Week (#CAW2021) begins, the rise of captioned live performances and video calls during lockdown has given people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing hope.
Incubate is the latest initiative combining the best practice of higher education and professional theatre and enabling a supportive transition between UEA and Norwich Theatre for graduates.
Final curtain for Norwich Theatre Playhouse Director
Robin Good: The Politico-Panto is panto’s sassy, smart-mouthed and irreverent cousin, providing sharp-witted satire this Christmas.
A blog by guest writer and musical theatre maker Freya Catrin Smith
Norwich Theatre focuses on the theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day, Mental Health in an Unequal World
Stellar cast joins Theatre Royal’s pantomime favourite Richard Gauntlett
We are looking for aspiring young actors to perform in our pantomime this Christmas.
We have been awarded funding from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to launch a new drama programme in partnership with the Wensum Trust
Following the latest Government announcement of a delay to Stage 4, we are pleased to confirm that there will be no changes to our planned summer performance programmes.
Our re-opening season features a programme of performances and activities bringing together an exceptional wealth of talent and shows to welcome back audiences.
Rich Hall, Ed Gamble, Karl Minns, Lost in Translation Circus Cabaret and more will perform at the big-top tent Norwich Cathedral this Summer!
Norwich Theatre is thrilled to announce its re-opening season including a celebration of women in theatre, exploring stories, experiences and creativity of those who identify as women.
Norwich Theatre is delighted to announce the return of its outdoor season of live performances and creative activities, INTERLUDE in the CLOSE.
Norwich Theatre to produce and tour On Before, a dance piece devised, directed and performed by legendary Cuban dancer Carlos Acosta CBE.