Teachers Network
Welcome to the Teachers Network
Norwich Theatre’s Teachers Network is a space for teachers to upskill and make meaningful connections in a relaxed and friendly environment. The programme consists of a range of five CPD sessions across the year run by industry experts, national arts organisations and local professionals, as well as opportunities to network, reflect and socialise with peers.
Teachers of all subjects, from any school are welcome.
The programme is created in collaboration with teachers through a launch event that takes place at the start of each academic year, where teachers are consulted on what CPD would be most meaningful to them and their teaching practice.

Programme 2024/25
Autumn 2024
- Network Launch and show
- Exploring Tempest with the RSC
- Using Shakespeare Text in the classroom
Summer 2025
- Resilience through Storytelling
- Exploring Set and Costume with your students
- Network and Show
£100 per annual membership (permits one teacher to attend all CPD and networking events across the year but it does not have to be the same teacher that attends each event!) Schools may purchase more than one annual membership
Alternatively, you can book the CPD sessions individually (£25) when they are on sale at the start of each term via our website (Please note: Schools with Partnership packages get free membership to the Network).
If you are a school or teacher interested in becoming a member or have any questions about the programme please contact us on learning@norwichtheatre.org